Get Involved - signing up to volunteer is so easy!
Click here to begin the PTSA registration process and see a list of volunteer opportunities.
To complete your PISD volunteer application, visit https://plano.voly.org/ to create a new account or click on Log In for returning volunteers.
There are many areas within Jasper High School that need volunteers! It takes a large number of volunteers to keep the school running. Clubs and groups like orchestra, band, Jasper Jazz, cheerleading, sports organizations, theater, and others all need volunteer support! Look for volunteer opportunities for all of these groups.
PTSA Board Positions
There are a few remaining Jasper PTSA Board positions that remain open. These opportunities are a great way to meet more people at Jasper, help our school out, and remain involved in your child's high school years. We hope you'll join us!
To find out about open PTSA positions, email president@jasperptsa.org or visit https://jasperptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/roster to view open positions.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Saturday, March 22
- Sunday, March 23
Quick Links:
Skyward Family Access (check grades & report absences/appt)
Jasper Bell Schedule
Mindful Breathing Videos Created for Jasper PTSA in Partnership with Good for All Yoga
Help US RAISE FUNDS and SAVE the ENVIRONMENT. Drop off your gently used goods in our World Wear Bin.
Texas PTA Membership Awards