Why Join the Jasper PTSA?
Jasper PTSA is an important part of Jasper High School, and we need your support to enhance this partnership between parents, students, staff, and our community! Jasper High School PTSA supports critical academic needs, is an active voice on decisions that impact your child’s health, safety and quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community. We invite you to join and PTA FOR YOUR CHILD because increasing our membership, even by one, makes it possible to:
- Provide classroom and curriculum supplies
- Host educational and social activities for students
- Sponsor teacher appreciation treats for our staff
- Provide parent education opportunities
- Offer scholarships for high school seniors
- And so much more!
Jasper PTSA Membership (Parent, Teacher, Student Association)
There is no wrong or right way to be involved – anything you can give, whether it’s time or money, will support your child’s potential. We invite you to join because we can do more together than apart. It only takes 5 minutes...
Frequently Asked Questions about PTSA:
Why should I join PTSA?
PTSA at the local, district, state, and national level is an important advocacy group, serving as a voice for all children. At the high school level, being involved in your student's life is more important than ever! Learn more reasons to join Jasper PTSA here.
Are there any discounts available?
Yes! Discounts are offered to PTA/PTSA members through Texas PTA and National PTA. Download the Membership Toolkit app for access to your digital membership card if needed.
How can I learn more about PTSA?
Click here a presentation with details about all that PTSA has to offer, or email president@jasperptsa.org for more info.
Do I have to volunteer or attend meetings if I join PTSA?
NO! Membership dues are one of our most important fundraisers, so when you join PTSA, you help us support the students, staff, and families of our Jasper community, whether you volunteer or go to meetings or not! Learn more "Myths About PTA" here.
I'm interested! How do I join PTA and sign up to help?
We're glad to have you on board! You and your family members can join PTSA and sign up for volunteer opportunities here in our online store.
Why should my student join PTSA?
When your child is a high school senior, they will be eligible to apply for a Jasper PTSA scholarship (typically valued at $500-$1000) if they were a PTSA member in both 9th and 10th grade. Student membership can also be included on resumes and college applications.
Fundraising and Donations
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, January 25
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
Quick Links:
Skyward Family Access (check grades & report absences/appt)
Jasper Bell Schedule
Mindful Breathing Videos Created for Jasper PTSA in Partnership with Good for All Yoga
Help US RAISE FUNDS and SAVE the ENVIRONMENT. Drop off your gently used goods in our World Wear Bin.
Texas PTA Membership Awards