Frequently Asked Questions
Jasper High School Resource Directory
Jasper High School Back to School Information
How do you change from an Honors class to a regular class?
The deadline for a level change, honors to regular, is the end of the first six weeks.
1. Pick up form from counselor.
2. Student/parent complete the form.
3. Current teacher signs the form.
4. Return completed form to the counselor.
Can a student drop a class?
Students cannot drop a core class; however, they can request a schedule change for a legitimate reason.
What is the procedure for changing a student's schedule?
1. Discuss concerns with counselor.
2. Parent conference with the teacher.
3. Paperwork must be completed with the counselor.
4. Two or three week trial period following parent/teacher conference.
5. Schedule changes only after the first three steps completed and issues persist.
Can I bring my student a lunch?
Parents may drop off lunches, but they will not be delivered. There is a table in the vestibule right out side the office where items may be left for students to pick up during passing periods. Classes will not be interrupted for lunches or homework.
How do I sign my student out for a doctor's appointment?
If a student must leave school during school hours, a note from the parent must be sent to the attendance office the morning of, so the student can get a pass to leave the classroom. The note should state the time the student will be picked up. Approval from the attendance office is necessary before a teacher can allow a student to leave class. Students must come to the attendance office to meet the parent who is signing them out. Upon returning to school, a note excusing the absence must be turned into the attendance office. Students must sign in/out with the attendance office even if it is between passing periods.
What do I do if my student is absent?
Call the attendance line, (469) 752-7400, to report your student absent. When the student returns to school, he/she MUST present a written note from the parent even if a parent called the attendance line. The note should include: student's name, student's ID number, reason for absence, the date, and phone number where the parent may be reached. The note should be given to the attendance office before 9:00AM.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Saturday, January 25
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
Quick Links:
Skyward Family Access (check grades & report absences/appt)
Jasper Bell Schedule
Mindful Breathing Videos Created for Jasper PTSA in Partnership with Good for All Yoga
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