Jasper Senior Scholarship 2025

3/11/2025 9:29 pm





To be eligible, student must:

  1. Have been a paid PTSA member for both 9th and 10th grade at Jasper High School*
  2. Must be a 2025 graduating senior from a Plano Independent School District school
  3. Must attend a college/university or vocational program for Fall, 2025. 


Applications must be received by midnight on Friday, April 18, 2025.

Winners will be announced at the Jasper PTSA meeting in May.

Please complete the attached form and follow submission instructions.


Funds received are to be used for tuition, books or lab fees. Any funds used for travel expenses, babysitting or housing are taxable income. Scholarship payment will be made out to the educational institution.


*Note: Our records are final. If we do not have confirmation that a student paid for both 9th and 10th grade PTSA membership, they are not eligible. To confirm eligibility, please contact membership@jasperptsa.org.

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Quick Links:

Jasper High School Website

Skyward Family Access (check grades & report absences/appt)
Jasper Bell Schedule



Healthy Lifestyles


Healthy Lifestyles Resources


Mindful Breathing Videos Created for Jasper PTSA in Partnership with Good for All Yoga










Help US RAISE FUNDS and SAVE the ENVIRONMENT. Drop off your gently used goods in our World Wear Bin.





Texas PTA Membership Awards 


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